5 Golden Rules of a White Kitchen Decoration!

 5 Golden Rules of a White Kitchen Decoration!


Home Improvement If you take a look at the recent home improvement magazines or simply go through some online blogs, then you will see that white kitchens are no longer a dream or no longer restricted to the houses of the celebs. Now, many home owners are opting for it and there are more reasons than one behind it. First of all, it looks really classy and luxurious. You can actually give your entire house an uplift by just turning your shabby and brown kitchen to an unique and sophisticated white one. Secondly, they can make the space look bigger, which is a great way to make small kitchens look spacious. Thirdly, you can really experiment when it comes to a white kitchen. A thing here and a dash of colors there – tada, a new look is here. So, think of it as a onetime investment. However, here are a few golden rules that you must pay heed to. Otherwise, it can turn into an eyesore. Take a look. Think White Cabinets – Yes, first thing first – when you are thinking of decking up a white kitchen, then do think out of the box and opt for white kitchen cabinet. There are plenty of white cabinets available in the market now such as polar cabinets, white shaker cabinets, vintage white kitchen cabinets, and many more, from which you can

 choose according to your choice and house decor. While one might suit the traditional interiors, the other would be more appt for a stark modern one. So, do pick wisely. Now, you must be wondering, from where should you buy them, right? Well, there are various online stores from where you can buy these cabinets at pretty reasonable prices. Add Splashes of Hues – Coming to the second golden rule, I would say do not make it all boring with just white! Yes, a bit of red here and a dash of yellow there, or some turquoise and lime green here and there would break the monotony and uplift the look a few notches higher. Lights have a Role to Play – And yes, do not forget about the lights. The lights can make or break the look of an entirely white kitchen. If possible, ask an interior decorator to suggest you with some lights or else, go for

 some chandeliers for the best effect. Trust me, white kitchens and chandeliers are like best friends. Visit a good store and you will find them at quite affordable rates. Countertop – You shouldn’t neglect the countertop as well. If you are doing a white kitchen with white cabinets, white tiles, etc, then a colorful countertop is what I will suggest. Granite countertops are classy as well as robust so go for them. Marbles are also an option. So, this is again another golden rule to follow. Keep it Simple – Lastly, keep it simple. If you want a very classic look, opt for steel and nude shades to accompany the white kitchen. Otherwise, select just two hues for complementing the entire decor. Do not go over the top and pay heed to all the features. Simple things such as a window curtain also can ruin the decor! So, be a little careful. So, these are the five golden rules of a white kitchen. To know more about Kitchen Renovation or decors, keep following my blogs.


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